Monday 18 May 2009

Trevor Brown Art

Along side Joel peter witkin I rate Trevor Brown as 1 of the best artists around today, As i said before it aint to every bodys taste but I find powerfull images alot more interesting than your average Turner prize / Modern art rubbish.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Oliver Cromwell's speech on the dissolution of the long Parliament given to the House of Commons

As we have seen in the UK over the last few weeks with the whole stink over MP's expenses, Even back 100's of years ago MP's were still rubbish.

This is a short piece Cromwell gave to the house of Commons dated 20 April 1653

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!

Any odd words are not my mistake, Its in Old English btw.

Saturday 16 May 2009

you tube video's I say are worth watching

DMT : The Spirit Molecule Documentary ~ Part 1/5

Part 2/5

part 3/5

part 4/5

part 5/5

Many long years ago i smoked a sustance called salvia divinorium, now this is not as powerfull as the classic dmt but it aint that far off. I had up to this point taken loads of lsd & english Liberty caps (magic mushrooms) i had taken several 100 times over many years so i throught i knew what a trip was (i had taken a dose of 7grams dried shrooms)
the day i smoked the salvia was like NO trip i had ever done in my life, people talk of diffrent dimensions, alien beings etc etc, I am sure i was knocking on the door of a diffrent dimension that day.
I have linked this dmt talk as so people who have no clue to these substances can get a insight into another world that it seems the western world is letting slip away. Tomorrow I will host a youtube piece by the great man Graham hancock where he talks of going to th amazon & going into a Yage session with the local medicine men & you can hear the amazing tales he tells of his meeting with spirit's & creatures of other world's (4/5/6/7/8th dimension beings)

Of course I dont expect everyone to buy into it I'm sure people will think im mad etc etc, BUT i ask you this you cant smell electric, you cant see electric, you cant taste electric but when you feel a shock off it you sure know its damm real then!

Think about it for a minute.

tell next time................

Wednesday 13 May 2009

chasing the dragon.

Many have warned you of the dragon, he comes to you from far away lands in Afghanistan or Iran. From the colour brown he changes to white, then back to brown again. Many people have tried to kill him before but failed & many more have tried to sell a tiny piece of him. Once you feel his fire breath your burned for life from the heat. The scars he leaves NEVER heal fully.

Country’s have gone to war over the dragon, China has a very long history of the dragon even though he no longer lives there now, The fields of the North West frontier in Afghanistan is where he rests now, but he leaves his seed in other countrys just waiting for his children to grow & burn many other men/ women & children.

In 1874 a man called C.R.Wright gave the dragon even hotter fire, which the Germans took up & passed on to the rest of the world c/o a company called Bayer. At first they throught the dragon was a friend & helpful to people, little did they know how evil the dragon was & when he was let loose he would never be able to be stopped.

The news & papers told tales of his temper & how he takes people away forever to be caught chasing after him just for one more ride on his back, The dragon never gets tired of rides, He gives such pleasure but takes far, far to much in payment.

If you ever see him coming, or a friend says he can give you a ride my advice is stay clear. I rode his back for a long time, He burned me with his fire breath, The marks he left on my body & soul still have never healed. Many years after the wounds still itch & hurt & I know just 1 ride from him & I will be better, but 1 ride is NEVER ENOUGH. The next day you want to ride again but the dragon asks more each time you take that trip.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Somewhere right now..........

Fitter, happier, more productive. A better out look for the day, no longer having bad dreams at night. The perfect work college who asks you how your weekend was & really does give a fuck what you say. Saving for the future in a high return ISA. Walks the dog once a day on return from the office. Eats only organic food to keep away cancer. Goes to see friends & likes their children. Cares what people think of your appearance. Drinking on a Friday night at the local clubs, the DJ plays the same tunes he has for the last 3 months (“Ow” a group of girls say “I love this tune”) A group of drunk guys watch women walk by with the eyes of Charles Manson “Pwhhhhaaaarrrrr I’d give her one” they cry out in the same tone that Whales talk to there young. A middle ages woman who’s husband got caught fucking the baby sitter eats Valium & washes in Gin, “I too was once wanted” she says to nobody but her reflection in the mirror. A young man who chose the wrong path in life dies from a Heroin overdose in his flat. In Kenya the slum glue kids fight over the last plastic bag to huff there glue from while a CEO of a huge bank sits back in his office smoking Cuban cigars & laughs to himself about how great his life is “No worries here Bob” he thinks, 9 months time he has brain cancer & is reduced to a spastic.
Somewhere in China a new child is born, shame it already has 1 brother, you rolled the dice to late little soul, you didn’t get Snake eyes this time. Some where else a World War 2 Victoria cross medal is sold on ebay to support the old timers Junk habit, “Bad stuff it is my son, Got the habit over in Laos many long years ago.”

Monday 11 May 2009

Joel Peter Witkin (My Kinda Art)

I am not a huge fan of "art" in the normall style to be honest, But the work of Joel peter Witkin i find totally amazing. I have allways seen true wonder & beauty in things most people would find horrible. I am a fan of Trevor Brown too I find his Japanese "little miss sticky kiss" work totally amazing, If you know of trevor brown's work & find it terrible its only what your own brain makes of the image, Its your own warped idea's that find it in bad taste.

Wikipedia on Joel Peter Witkin

UK MP's expenses!!

there is just a small sample of the gross amounts of cash these rat faced money pigs get off the tax payer. For the last few days all we heard in the UK is how bad the Labour party has been skanking on tax payers money. Yet today shock horror the Tory's get a bashing by our gutter media.

To be honest imo there all as bad as each other. This pisses me off so much. When i see these fat cat MP's eating up bare £'s for crazy things such as £22,500 on treating dry rot or over £350 for a lawnmower then the same lawnmower guy claimed £41 a week later to fix a tyre on his lawnmower. I ask you what good does having his grass cut do for the average joe in the street who's hard earned money is taxed & that tax goes towards daft shit like this.

I say bring back Guy Fawkes (if you dont know who he is he & a few others palnned to blow up Parliament)

When will people evr learn i ask myself. I have allways said half joking, half serious there needs to be some kinda revolt in this country, drag those fucking MP's out by there hair & hang 95% of them from Tower Bridge till there dead. Bring in a proper Democratic system thats FOR the people & that care for the average Joe who's hard earned cash pay's these useless fuck wits. The more i watch the tv etc the more angry & set in my views i become.

Also i heard today of this story ROFLMAO

Yes the 1 eyed, open fish mouth at the end of a word wanker has make up added to make him look "better"
you got to be joking me, honest have you seen Gordon "fish mouth" Brown he looks likesome kinda Meth addict from Dog the bounty hunter imo, well maybe thats being unfair to the Meth addicts, at least they aint got a trout mouth when they speak.
This asshole was never even voted in to the uk, he picked up the job off Tony "kill some Muslims" Blair, and another pearl of wisdom, tony blair's wife's mouth when she smiles, i think gordon brown has taken her smile & added extra "fishness" to it, anyone from the uk knows what i'm on about.

Well thats todays blog done, i promise 2moro's wont be as angry (well i will see what is on the news tonight, maybe I'll have to switch from channel 4 news to CBS or fox news for some more anger lol) Rupert murdoch god bless the right wing bush loving Neo-Con walking plague virus.

Sunday 10 May 2009

MTV's My super sweet 16 & medicine men in south America

Today i was watching a show on MTV called "my super sweet 16" If your unaware of this show its a programme which shows you kids building up to there 16th bday party. It was an American show first then there was a uk version.

The 1 i saw today was a special episode called "super brats" which was so true, the kids on it were little shit bags, the way they spoke to there parents was shocking, the moms/dads were spending 1000's of £'s (well more like 1000's of $ as it was the usa series) The one little bitch was cussing her mom out right because she didnt wanna spend nearly £800 on 1 dress (around $1600) and the kid told her to shove it up her ass, now if I spoke to my mom like that she would have kicked my ass & i would deserve a good slap too.

The Ego of these kids was shocking, it makes me sick to the bottom of my stomach that there moaning & playing up because there parents wont spend huge amounts of cash on some stupid dress, I allways think when i see things like that, somewhere in the world at that moment kids younger than the ones on the show are starving to death because they aint got a single £ or $1 to there name to get food to eat for that day. MTV shows this kinda show as if the way there going on is normall, I dont know what it is, but it makes me MAD as hell to see this. There is something SO wrong in this & i think if the kids ego is that big at 15 what are they gonna be like in 10 years time. The "best" part was the snotty nosed fucker getting a BMW 600 series car, if my memory is correct the engine was a 4 litre, how in gods name can the kid drive that? if there is any justice she would crash it on her first drive.

SHe also got a 30 grand diamond covered Rolex watch, i was thinking I wonder how many black people in some 3rd world country had to work for 12 hour day to get those diamonds just so some little brat can have some bling & brag/show off to her freinds. This kinda thing makes me so angry & it makes me feel as if western culture & 90% of people's aspirations are SO wrong were doomed as a culture unless we wise up very soon, I feel as if were being fed a type of poison which is killing our spirit in some kinda way.

After watching this show for 3 episodes (its like tooth ache you know its painful but you just cant help but touch lol) I turned off & came on the net.
Now I have allways been obsessed with south American "Brujo" shamanism / Medicine men culture & the work they do. I was doing a search on that subject & found this AMAZING film on a south American shaman who was passing his knowledge onto the younger people in his tribe. The 1 person he was showing the information too was a 16 year old boy. The shaman said it was very hard to become a medicine man with many long years of learning including many long trips on drugs such as DMT etc & you had to do at least 1 year totally on your own in the jungle to learn "the way of the spirits" What this guy had to say was so amazing, he seemed to me to be 1 of the most wise men i had ever heard speak, he had a grasp on life than NO western mind would ever be bale to grasp.

What i am trying to get to say is this........Our culture (western views & aspirations) to me seem almost terminally ill. We are raised to believe life is all about how much money you have, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, how many times you had sex, the size of your cock. Western ladys seem to be drawn to men with huge ego's. I have had so little sex etc in my 27 years on this planet, I've had less than 5 partners in my time because i fully reject "bling" culture. I have NO desire to drive a flash car or have a Rolex watch with diamonds in it (if i did i would be more fussed about the poor people getting payed a few 3's a day who had to get the diamonds out the ground)
some times i feel as if I am the only person in the uk that feels this way.

What i'm saying is the kid in the Amazon who only was wearing a pair of shorts was a far "richer" person than this girl off the MTV show. I dont mean rich as in £'s but in a "human being" way.

I feel the western world has lost its way on the road of life & we have been robbed of "culture" I saw that kid in Peru as far better off than any of those kids on the MTV show. I am sure 99.9% of people reading this must think I am mad that i rate someone living in a mud & wood hut with no I-pod, plasma tv, huge BHP car, designer clothes etc as better off that someone who DOES have these goods but to me its the snob from orange county USA who is far worse off. She will NEVER EVER know true life & will be a SOUL LESS piece of ego forever while the kid in the amazon lives more of life in 5 mins than that girl will ever know about.

I want to close this blog with a quote from a book by Jim Morrison (lead singer of the group The Doors)

Jim Morrison from the Book The lords & the new creatures - We are content with the "given" in sensation's quest. We have been metamorphosised from a mad body dancing on hillsides to a pair of eyes staring in the dark

Saturday 9 May 2009

First Blog!

Hello & welcome to my blog.

I have wanted to do a blog for a while yet never got round to doing it, this evening i decided to give it a try & see what comes of it, who knows I may get to be the next Mark Twain from this piece of writing lol.

I have done this to record my daily events etc that i get into, some days will be more flat than others to be honest so dont expect great revelations every time you read it, some days i just need to rant & other days i may throw out moments of mind twisting views/opinions.

Well today is a saturday & its been a bit of a flat day. At the moment i am living back with my mom & stepdad (more on him in later blogs i'm sure) as my flat was ripped apart in a robbery & i am waiting for the council to repair the damage done (i've been waiting now for weeks btw)

I woke up quite late as i had been on diazepam the night before, and got awoken to my mom asking me to come shift some 50kg rocks that there using to make the fish pond "look nice"
Wow thanks mom for that wake up call, So first thing this mid morning (11am) i get pulled from my warm & cosy Womb like bed to shift rocks like some damm Levee camp worker in 1930's Mississippi, great start to the day so far.

After 40 mins of fucking about making some daft pond "look nice" i finally got my morning smoke & coffee. I just dont get why people do that kinda thing tbh. We live in the UK its not like you can relax out in the garden on a warm summers night watching the fish etc, chances are its bloody cold & maybe raining, great time to be outside i dont think.

After a bit of Jerry Springer on Living TV (yes as i'm at my moms/step dads house the bonus is they have sky+ tv which I didnt have in my old flat) I took the dog out for a "walk".
Now i cant smoke cannabis in there house as they hate all "drugs" imo weed aint a drug but i wont go into that. since I been here every joint i wanna smoke i go over the local football pitch & have a toke in the open. I allways take the dog with me as in the past the damm animal seems to draw girls to it & i hope it may do it again 1 day lol.

I was kicking back having a smoke, chilling out after my rock lifting deal this morning & some total random guy comes walking over & starts to chat with me. I am blazing some proper smelly weed & he MUST have smelt the goods i was toking, turns out his a very good mate of my step dads, If he grasses me up for toking I got a good mind to hunt him down & get all Jeffrey Dahmer on his ass.

Why do total strangers feel the need to come over & talk to you? why cant people just leave me alone for god sake. I will NEVER understand 99% of the population to be honest.

This guy keeps chatting dog talk to me for a good 30 mins, After i noticed he was not gonna fuck off from me i let my joint burn out to re-light after he has spread his dog words of wisdom to me like some god damm canine jesus man.

Got back to my moms & chilled for the rest of the day on youtube watching video clips of the punk band G.G. Allin & his punk group The Murder Junkies. If you dont know of him i reckon you should google the guy. I dont rate his music that much BUT his attitude & his concerts are world famous.

here is the wikipedia entry for him

Had a great tea though, some kinda chinese in black bean sauce, after that i checked my email & faffed around on a message board I have been on for years ow & also did a blog too lol.

well its now 10.36PM in the uk on a saturday night, just took 20mg of valium again & i'm gonna sit down & catch George galloway on talk sport for a while. I know he did that cat stuff on big brother but his left wing idea's are right up my street tbh.

For people who dont know what this member of our parlement did onlive TV here is a youtube piece, i must warn you its kinda kinky in a weird cat like way

Till next time..........