Tuesday 12 May 2009

Somewhere right now..........

Fitter, happier, more productive. A better out look for the day, no longer having bad dreams at night. The perfect work college who asks you how your weekend was & really does give a fuck what you say. Saving for the future in a high return ISA. Walks the dog once a day on return from the office. Eats only organic food to keep away cancer. Goes to see friends & likes their children. Cares what people think of your appearance. Drinking on a Friday night at the local clubs, the DJ plays the same tunes he has for the last 3 months (“Ow” a group of girls say “I love this tune”) A group of drunk guys watch women walk by with the eyes of Charles Manson “Pwhhhhaaaarrrrr I’d give her one” they cry out in the same tone that Whales talk to there young. A middle ages woman who’s husband got caught fucking the baby sitter eats Valium & washes in Gin, “I too was once wanted” she says to nobody but her reflection in the mirror. A young man who chose the wrong path in life dies from a Heroin overdose in his flat. In Kenya the slum glue kids fight over the last plastic bag to huff there glue from while a CEO of a huge bank sits back in his office smoking Cuban cigars & laughs to himself about how great his life is “No worries here Bob” he thinks, 9 months time he has brain cancer & is reduced to a spastic.
Somewhere in China a new child is born, shame it already has 1 brother, you rolled the dice to late little soul, you didn’t get Snake eyes this time. Some where else a World War 2 Victoria cross medal is sold on ebay to support the old timers Junk habit, “Bad stuff it is my son, Got the habit over in Laos many long years ago.”